To me photography is about immortalising a real-life moment.

I left the corporate world in 1998 to become a professional photographer. I learnt my craft assisting international photographers and then spending time in London working in studios so that I could get an in-depth understanding of indoor lighting.

Even though I knew it was reportage or social documentary that I wanted to explore – I needed to earn money so I started out as a fashion photographer. Being fashion un-conscious it soon became clear that my pictures were about the models and not the clothing so I quickly switched to portraiture – but my passion for social documentary remained.

Travel photography and writing soon became part of my arsenal with numerous travel and reportage stories being snapped up by local and international publications.

In 2012 my first coffee-table book, Down the Line, was published – a social documentary about commuting life in South Africa. It’s the only book about the train line that runs between Cape Town and Simonstown.

In 2017 my second coffee-table book, Changing the Lines, was launched. It’s the only book that documents the annual maintenance shutdown that happens on Table Mountain – documenting the changing of the cables and the refurbishing of the cable cars, among other engineering feats that take place on the slopes of the mountain.

I have exhibited locally, nationally, and internationally.

In 2022 The Swiss Museum of Transport in Lucerne opened their “Ropeway and Tourism,” exhibition that included 32 of my images that form part of their permanent exhibition. These photographs are the only African inclusion in the whole museum.

Currently, I photograph professionally and commercially.

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