I need your help please.
Due to my involvement with schools I discovered an aspect of education that I never knew existed. Within South Africa there are approximately 20 schools that are on site in hospitals. These schools are run by teachers that not only teach according to the standard curriculum, but they’re also teaching recovering patients/ students,at their bedsides or in a-usually small classroom.
I’ve mentioned before about the levels of literacy in South Africa.
What I’m proposing to do is to donate sponsored copies of my books-The Magic that’s Ours and The Power that’s Ours
to these schools. Instead of just donating copies of the books to the schools, I’m also proposing that each patient learner be given a copy of a book-suitable to their age- as a gift by the sponsoring company. This in itself will help promote reading. Due tro the nature of the books they will also be reading a book that can assist them with their recovery. As these schools are mainly in government hospitals the majority of the patient learners are from previously disadvantaged area.
An initiative like this falls well within the boundaries of any Corporate social responsibility initiative.
To date I’ve contacted almost all of the pharmaceutical companies in South Africa but to no avail.
What I’m asking help for is for anyone to please forward me details of any company that you feel might be interested or suitable to partner an initiative like this.
I do have a full proposal ready, related to this initiative.
Corporate sponsorship is another avenue which I learnt about on my weekly linkup to Steve Harrisons tele-seminars. This is the avenue that I’ll be blogging about next.
Thank you for your assistance.
A comment or email to gary@garyhirson.com would be appreciated.