Corporate sponsorship – it does work – sometimes unexpectedly

For quite a while now I haven’t posted about Corporate Sponsorship as I was busy finishing up my two latest books. The Journey that’s Ours – the follow on from The Power that’s Ours and Down The Linea photographic coffee-table book about the train line that runs between Cape Town and Simonstown, commuting over 3.5 million people…

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What it feels like when Corporate Sponsorship does finally come through!

After receiving all the very kindly, positive and eloquently written rejection letters, I can be forgiven for expecting a boisterous, back slapping announcement- with all the bells and whistles- when the news that my sponsorship had finally come through. But this was not to be the case…but at that point in time I didn’t really…

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Registering books on online sites- a friendly response

Very recently I received an email about  Red Pepper Books,  which is a South African online bookstore – “South Africa’s friendliest online bookstore” they advertise. Both The Magic that’s Ours and The Power that’s Ours were registered with Kalahari. net over a year ago but I couldn’t remember what was required to register books on…

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Getting over the last sponsorship hurdle one inch at a time.

A while ago I had to visit the dentist- which I hadn’t done previously in a very long time. They scare me tremendously as I can’t bear the prodding, filing, and especially the injections- the pain in my mind is unbearable. But I’ve now discovered that they’ve met their match… My proposal had been approved…

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It ain’t a race

I suppose it’s true to say that we all love winning? But writing and publishing a book is definitely not a race to won. Saying that, it does leave one feeling a little proud when they’re told that their book is still number #1. With over 1700 chapters sold in August The Power that’s Ours…

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Find the right source and save lots of time.

Word of mouth and recommendations are an amazing promoter and advertiser, and when word of mouth comes from a an influential, unquestionable source more so the better. In April of 2009   I submitted- according to the requirements- copies of The Magic that’s Ours to the Western Cape Education department. The copies were submitted for…

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Why not just give up?

So after countless, calls, emails and rejections those decision makers are still not getting what you’re trying to sell- or worse yet have barricaded themselves against your barrage of inquiries seeking a response to your proposal. You become, despondent, frustrated, depressed and feeling like everyone and everything is against you. You think to yourself, when is…

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Following up can save your hard work from slipping through the cracks.

I’ve always said that seeking sponsorship is a numbers game. There are so many people out there looking for sponsorship that it’s crucial to: a) Contact as many companies as possible and, b) Once you have the right person don’t give up contacting them until they either accept or reject the proposal outright. So much…

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A proposal outline for corporate sponsorship

Getting to speak to the correct person with regards to sponsorship is always key. The two departments that are responsible for for sponsorship are the Marketing Department and the Corporate Social Investment/ Responsibility Department. (CSRI) Finding these people either takes many hours trawling the company websites or phoning directly and asking the receptionist-whichever works for…

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Corporate sponsorship-the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow

Corporate sponsorship- the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!  Cap in hand asking for money can take quite a bit of trial and error, a marketing and strategic plan and an eye catching proposal included-so it will be the topic of this blog for the next while. The corporates seemingly have loads…

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Another way to meet your readers while earning their respect.

A couple of posts ago I spoke about the workshops that I was planning to give to high school students. It’s one thing declaring that workshops will be on offer but it’s another thing putting together a professional package. There is logistics involved like: Course content, trial runs, duration, times, numbers of attendees, venues, marketing,…

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Help please!

I need your help please. Due to my involvement with schools I discovered an aspect of education that I never knew existed. Within South Africa there are approximately 20 schools that are on site in hospitals. These schools are run by teachers that not only teach according to the standard curriculum, but they’re also teaching…

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Help please!

I need your help please. Due to my involvement with schools I discovered an aspect of education that I never knew existed. Within South Africa there are approximately 20 schools that are on site in hospitals. These schools are run by teachers that not only teach according to the standard curriculum, but they’re also teaching…

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Just when you’re thinking your days going nowhere, the unexpected happens…

This is a review (slightly edited) I received today from a Kindergarten school teacher in the USA Hey Gary, It’s been too long! It was over a year ago when we met and were able to hike up Lion’s Head! Anyway (I was part of the Vanderbilt group from Nashville), I’m well into my first…

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A funny thing this see-saw ride of life.

Here’s screwed for you. I’d had the book designed, illustrated, edited, proof-read, e-booked, printed and distributed. I should have been ecstatic but I wasn’t. I was actually left awake,  again, at 3am sweating and the reason being was this… In 2001 I started a transport company that was primarily involved with the film industry in…

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The launch date gets closer while the “to do” list lengthens

 Initially I had a website for my first book going by the same name as the title, but now that the second book-The Power that’s Ours was on it’s way with a possible third in the pipeline I wanted to start creating a brand under which all further books would fall.  The name of…

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What to do if you don’t make it onto the New York Best Seller list.

I remember thinking to myself, shortly after my book launch, that sooner rather than later I’d be owning the car of my dreams, women would be throwing themselves at me, Oprah would definitely be calling and I’d soon be summiting the the New York best seller list. Why not, I was now a published author?…

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The Learning Begins

Reading “Successful Self-Publishing in South Africa”really shed light on how much I didn’t know about this impending journey of self publishing. As it’s a very easy book to read, it was very simple to highlight the necassary areas of relevant information. Besides the obvious on what I had to do I also came to learn…

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