Initially I had a website for my first book going by the same name as the title, but now that the second book-The Power that’s Ours was on it’s way with a possible third in the pipeline I wanted to start creating a brand under which all further books would fall.  The name of my now publishing and production company was called Calm In Storm-a name given to me by a Native American while I was attending a sweat lodge many years previously. I already had a designer who’d previously designed my photographic website

For me a website was crucial because- being self-published- I was to have stock on hand and could advertise the sale of signed copies. One thing I’d come to understand is the pulling power a signed copy has over a copy that is bought for in a store. Readers really love to receive a copy of a book with a personal signed message from the author.  But the site had to be user friendly and convenient. If I was to advertise the sale of books I also needed a convenient payment option-credit cards. After some research I found that Netcash– a locally based company- was not necessarily the cheapest option but definitely the simplest when it came to set-up procedures and requirements. Not only did they have an online payment facility but also a credit facility payment book that could be used at the likes of trade shows and fairs.

So the website was to have a home page, book information and book purchase page, a page for book reviews as well as information relating to my talks which were becoming more and more popular with the schools.

One of the main things about the site was that I needed access to the site as I knew that initially it would be updated regularly with reviews and new information about the books and the talks.

The designer Paul used a WordPress template. With access codes given to me by him I could now add and delete all information that I deemed necessary.

Payment for the site was to be paid for with photography. Paul was getting married a few months later and instead of me paying for the site I was going to take photographs at his wedding.

My to do list was getting shorter and longer at the same time. I still needed a printer and now I also needed to start thinking about the launch….

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