Pink Biscuits and Bubbly
On a recent trip to France, I visited Reims, the capital of the champagne region. A city with history, art and culture, champagne (of course) and pink biscuits. all making for a delectable story that has just been published in Bidvest’s Premier magazine. “It all started 2 months ago at the kitchen counter while I …

Breaking Bread with a President – Food/Travel story published in SLOW Magazine
I like the ritual of “breaking bread” with someone – it’s welcoming and has a tinge of warmth to it. This is my thought while eyeing the golden croissant poised between my fingers. My girlfriend and I are at a café in Paris. Helene-Marie prefers a morning baguette and I prefer a croissant, and this…

Why I’m no longer a photographer…
I’m no longer a photographer… I’m now a visual, content creator and storyteller… because visual content is Royalty!!! Back in the day when I first became a photographer, meetings with clients whether an agency, magazine, business or a Corporate the discussions would be around campaigns and single or double-page spreads. Now the most common discussion…

Do you want to write travel stories?
As someone who has written, photographed and had travel stories published in magazines, quite often people say to me, “I’ve got a great story.” My response is usually, “well why don’t you write it?” To which they respond, “I don’t know how to…” The thing about travel writing is that editors are always looking for…

Dim Sum 101 – the best in the world…?
“Do you have a reservation?” was the abrupt question in broken English mixed with a strong Chinese accent. “Uh, no,” I replied meekly. “Then you can go sit in the corner!” The 4 of us shuffled slowly, heads down to our designated seated area in the He Sheng Chinese restaurant that sits on the edge…

Why you must photograph events.
I finished up assisting international photographers in London and returned to South Africa as a budding fashion photographer. Very shortly after returning I was taken on by Storm agency who started to represent me as a fashion photographer. As you can well imagine I was feeling great, I believed I was on the road to…

A restaurant where you can push your girlfriend over the edge and she’ll be pleasantly surprised.
It’s been said that we judge and are judged within the 1st 3 seconds of first meeting someone. I’m not sure how this relates to my story but I’ve passed the latest restaurant on our Sea Point Main Rd eating-out- adventure, many times – and I’ve judged it quite dismissively with never before ordering from…

A restaurant where coconut milk is the least bland thing we tried – but then again I could have just been in a bad mood…
Our 3rd venture of our eating out in restaurants lining Sea Point Main rd started off in a very subdued mood. Helene had a knee operation last year and was bravely limping along trying to combat the pain. I’d just returned from a trip with the return leg taking 26 hours, including an 8-hour layover…

A restaurant where you can wear a little black dress and red, suede stilettos!
Our second destination of our restaurant exploring adventures was Aris Souvlaki- the legendary Greek eatery that’s decorated Sea Point Main Road since before I arrived here. I’d survived the burping incident after the 1st restaurant. (See the previous blog post), but I was told in no uncertain terms that it would be the first and…

A restaurant where you can burp in your girlfriend’s face!
There’s something cool about Sea Point Main Rd. Forever busy during the day, over the weekends and the holiday season with minibus taxi’s, car guards, hawkers, shop owners, locals and tourists – hooting, selling, chatting and passing each other by. Even the ocean plays its part. When the wind is right the sea air wafts…

How to raise funds for a coffee-table book
One of the real challenges of being self-employed or a freelancer is being able to raise funding for projects. The tight grip of the banking world only seems to tighten when nothing can be secured, and for some, dreams die before they can even begin to try and fly. Ever since becoming a professional photographer it’s…

Why you should always hold onto your old photos and negatives.
Ever since becoming a photographer, beginning during the days of film, I’ve always kept my pictures. Yip, past girlfriends haven’t always liked the boxes and cabinets of negatives, contact sheets, and prints…..but hey, they soon came to understand that they were references to my work. About 10 – 12 years ago I was in the…

A Mountainous task – ensuring the safety of Table mountain summiters. Published by Sawubona – SAA’s in-flight magazine
One can only imagine the amazement and awe of those first inhabitants of the Cape, and the settlers who came after, on rounding Table Bay and laying eyes on Table Mountain. Subject of myth and legend, this ancient massif has been a symbol of Cape Town ever since. Before 1929, the only way to get…

Xtra Virgin Olive oil is the only way to go – Travel Opulent Box Ezine
(This story was used in Travel Opulent Box’s Ezine) To me weekend getaways should be sun-filled, lazy and idyllic. But here I am, bundled together with 3 others, in a rented country- cottage in the Riebeek Valley, waiting out the most brutal of storms. The pounding water on the tin roof is deafening, drowning out…