Ever since becoming a photographer, beginning during the days of film, I’ve always kept my pictures. Yip, past girlfriends haven’t always liked the boxes and cabinets of negatives, contact sheets, and prints…..but hey, they soon came to understand that they were references to my work.

F1230025 WMAbout 10 – 12 years ago I was in the Cape Town Waterfront, during it’s earlier days of development. Near the dry docks are some grain silos that I’d always been fascinated with. Having time on my hands and my trust Nikon F4 by my side I asked the on-duty  manager’s office and asked if I could wander around inside and take some pics. No problem he replied and good timing it was he mentioned as the Silos were about to be shut down. F1230011WM

But still, there were trains pulling in to be loaded with grain and wheat. There were guys overseeing the loading, packing bags, and ensuring that everything was clean.
F1230030WMWithout a tripod and flash and less than half a roll of Kodak Tri – X 400 film in my camera, I went about exploring.  Those same silos are now being converted into what will become the biggest art museum in Africa, The ZEITZ MOCAA. It will become a creative space offering, not only the biggest collection of African art on the continent but also a space promoting everything to do with art. Among the visual delights  will be an archival section displaying the visual history of the Silos. Aren’t I happy I’ve been one to keep all my old pictures?

More of the pictures can be viewed here.F1230007WM

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