This morning I attended the official opening of the Cape Town book Fair which will run until Sunday afternoon – 17th June. I went to the book fair for 2 specific reasons. As I’m only the independent publisher of , The Magic that’s Ours and The Power that’s Ours, 2 interactive, motivational books for children, I didn’t feel the need to create my own stand at the fair. As I am a member of IBBY – an independent, non-profit organisation (NPO) which seeks to publicise and support quality books for young readers especially in South Africa, they offered to display my books on the their stand. – C18. So my reason for going to the fair was to drop off copies of the books. The second reason I went was to attend 2 presentations connected to online marketing and the burgeoning E-book market. It was while I was at the talk that I bumped into one of the busiest book reviewers in Cape Town – the books editor for the South African edition of Oprah’s magazine, “O”. I can’t even begin to imagine how many emails she receives from authors and publishers wanting their titles reviewing, but I’m sure that  my book review request would probably get lost  under the sheer weight of those that piling up her inbox. But there I was attending a presentation that she was obviously interested in.  Right there was a common ground for me to break the ice with, the presentation. So now, when I do email her requesting a book review, mentioning – in the subject line- that I met her at the online presentation at the Cape Town Book fair- hopefully she’ll remember me, allowing my review request to float nearer to the top.

Bumping into the Books Editor at a book fair
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