Unlike a few people I know who can write about 500 words in 15 minutes- I take time to pen my words – which isn’t by choice. My process of writing is to tap away on the computer and write everything down with no regard to spelling, grammer, vocab or structure- I just need to get it down. Once I’ve saved what I’ve written I leave it alone for a day, two or even a week, and only then go back to it and edit and correct spelling, vocab, fluidity and grammer etc. I then leave it again and may go back  for one final look before starting with the next session. Due to this process you can only imagine my feeling of self- satisfaction after finishing 27 000 words a  long while after I first started.Smile

My “To Do” list for this upcoming book was supposed to go something like this.

  1. Complete manuscript
  2. First edit (me)
  3. re writes
  4. Send to editor
  5. re writes
  6. Finalise manuscript
  7. Send to Psychologist/ teachers/ Librarians and target market
  8. Possible Edits
  9. Proof reads
  10. Illustrations
  11. Lay out and Designs
  12. Printers
  13. Beg for money from bank
  14. Production
  15. Start planning PR/ launch date and distribution.

So I pretty much had it all planned out for the next few months. But that was until I went back for the first edit and noticed that my style of writing and the message had changed completely from the first few chapters to those from about a 3rd of the way in. About 10 000 words all in all. So back to the computer we go to start once again.

Oh well, not such a bad way to spend time  while waiting for the ambling wheels of the Corprate sponsor  to finalise their decision.

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