A  restaurant where coconut milk is the least bland thing we tried – but then again I could have just been in a bad mood…

A restaurant where coconut milk is the least bland thing we tried – but then again I could have just been in a bad mood…

Our 3rd venture of our eating out in restaurants lining Sea Point Main rd started off in a very subdued mood. Helene had a knee operation last year and was bravely limping along trying to combat the pain. I’d just returned from a trip with the return leg taking 26 hours, including an 8-hour layover…

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Why you should always hold onto your old photos and negatives.

Why you should always hold onto your old photos and negatives.

Ever since becoming a photographer, beginning during the days of film, I’ve always kept my pictures. Yip, past girlfriends haven’t always liked the boxes and cabinets of negatives, contact sheets, and prints…..but hey, they soon came to understand that they were references to my work. About 10 – 12 years ago I was in the…

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A Mountainous task – ensuring the safety of Table mountain summiters. Published by Sawubona – SAA’s in-flight magazine

A Mountainous task – ensuring the safety of Table mountain summiters. Published by Sawubona – SAA’s in-flight magazine

One can only imagine the amazement and awe of those first inhabitants of the Cape, and the settlers who came after, on rounding Table Bay and laying eyes on Table Mountain. Subject of myth and legend, this ancient massif has been a symbol of Cape Town ever since. Before 1929, the only way to get…

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Xtra Virgin Olive oil is the only way to go – Travel Opulent Box Ezine

Xtra Virgin Olive oil is the only way to go – Travel Opulent Box Ezine

(This story was used in Travel Opulent Box’s Ezine) To me weekend getaways should be sun-filled, lazy and idyllic.  But here I am, bundled together with 3 others, in a rented country- cottage in the Riebeek Valley, waiting out the most brutal of storms. The pounding water on the tin roof is deafening, drowning out…

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What’s in a Plate? – Horizons – BA In-Flight Magazine

What’s in a Plate? – Horizons – BA In-Flight Magazine

“What to do today?” I pondered upon opening my curtains and taking in a perfect early morning Sunday. My energy levels jumped a gear as rising in front of me and seemingly suspended from the rich blue sky, stood the most colossal sandstone sculptor overlooking and guarding the city. I would  have loved to be…

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SMOKIN’ POT – British Airways in-flight magazine

SMOKIN’ POT – British Airways in-flight magazine

When I’m depressed I need to eat!  So after visiting the “Killing Fields” and Prison S21 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, the two of the many places where Pol Pot interrogated, tortured and murdered anyone that he and his party, the Khmer Rouge, thought were counter revolutionary, I really needed to eat.  I’d heard of a…

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